2020.0516 Pulse Train (Mono)
Here’s a mono track I made while wired up to an ET312B in Audio 3 using a Moog DFAM analog synth. I didn’t listen to this one with headphones while turning the knobs — I just focused on the STIM. Isn’t that the point?
Enjoy! -Eric
ET312B: Select Audio 2 or Audio 3 mode and set MA control to 12 o’clock with output of player set to maximum. You can create a Split with Audio 3 on one channel and a built-in routine on the other, for unique effects.
See ET312B: Set Split Mode to learn how.
ET232: Select Audio Loud mode and set MA control to max with output of player set to maximum.
2020.0509 Taurus in 2 Parts (Mono)
This is a longer, 2-part monophonic e-stim session I composed using a Moog Mother-32 and DFAM while wired up to an ET312B in Audio 2. Feels awesome with an ET232 in Audio Loud too. Enjoy!
ET232: Select Audio Loud mode and set MA control to max with output of player set to maximum.
ET312B: Select Audio 2 mode and set MA control to 12 o’clock with output of player set to maximum. You can create a Split with Audio 2 on one channel and a built-in routine on the other, for unique effects.
See ET312B: Set Split Mode to learn how.

2020.0430 Melodious (Mono)
Here’s a sequenced mono track made with a Moog Mother-32 while wired up to an ET232 in Audio Loud. Can also be used with an ET312B in Audio 2 or 3.
ET232: Select Audio Loud mode and set MA control to max with output of player set to maximum.
ET312B: Select Audio 2 or Audio 3 mode and set MA control to 12 o’clock with output of player set to maximum. You can create a Split with Audio 2 or Audio 3 on one channel and a built-in routine on the other, for unique effects.
See ET312B: Set Split Mode to learn how.
Stim ON! –Eric
2020.0423 Low and Slow (Mono)
Here’s a mono audio e-stim (AudioStim) track I made with a Moog Mother-32 while wired up to an ET312B. Also works well with the ET232 in Audio Loud.
ET312B: Select Audio 2 or Audio 3 mode and set MA control to 12 o’clock with output of player set to maximum. You can create a Split with Audio 3 on one channel and a built-in routine on the other, for unique effects.
See ET312B: Set Split Mode to learn how.
ET232: Select Audio Loud mode and set MA control to max with output of player set to maximum.
Now go, get some STIM! –Eric
2020.0412 Wait for It (Mono)
Here are the mono – left and right channel – tracks split from the original stereo track. Mono tracks work great with the ET232 and add variety to the stereo track when used with an ET312B.
ET312B: Select Audio 3 mode and set MA control to 12 o’clock with output of player set to maximum. You can create a Split with Audio 3 on one channel and a built-in routine on the other, for unique effects.
See ET312B: Set Split Mode to learn how.
ET232: Select Audio Loud mode and set MA control to max with output of player set to maximum.
Have fun! –Eric
You can download these tracks for offline use by clicking the download icon:

ET312B: Set Split Mode
The ET312B can be customized in many ways and Split mode is one of them. Split allows a different mode to be sent to output channels A and B.
The default setting for Split mode is:
- Channel A: Stroke
- Channel B: Waves
You can easily customize Split to send a mono or stereo AudioStim track to one channel while sending the output of another mode to the other. This creates almost limitless possibilities by combining playback of audio with an independent and out-of-sync generation of stim pulses. Great for extended edging and training sessions.
Customizing Split Mode for Audio
Let’s configure Split mode to send Stroke on Channel A and send Audio to Channel B:
- Power ET312B ON
- Press any key
- Press [Menu] key – Start Ramp Up? is shown
- Press [UP] key – Set Split Mode?
- Press [OK] key – Split A: Stroke
- Press [OK] to confirm – Split B: Waves
- Press [DOWN] key once – Split B: Audio 3
- Press [OK] to confirm
- Split mode is activated
MultiAdjust (MA) knob controls the tempo / frequency of Stroke and input sensitivity of incoming audio signal. Setting MA to minimum will reduce audio input level for interesting effects. I suggest setting MA between 10 o’clock and maximum to feel the effects of both channels.
Don’t Forget to Save
To save your custom settings for the next session:
- Press [MENU] key
- Press [DOWN] 3 times – Save Settings?
- Press [OK] – Saved! Press Any Key…
AudioStim: Wait for It (Stereo)
This track was composed using a Moog DFAM and Mother-32, with each output sent to its own stereo channel (L / R). I made this while wired up to an MK-312BT in Audio 3. This is a stereo track so it works best with an MK-312BT.
MK-312BT Setup: Select Audio 3 mode and set MultiAdjust control to 12 o’clock with output of music player set to maximum.
Channel A: CockCap paired with an ECup
Channel B: FLP 40 BiPolar
Enjoy! -–Eric
You can download this track for offline use by clicking the download icon:
AudioStim with DFAM
Just uploaded a new AudioStim track I made over the weekend. It’s a mono track, so it works great with the ET312B and ET232.
ET312B: Select Audio 3 mode and set MA control to 12 o’clock with output of player set to maximum.
ET232: Select Audio Loud mode and set MA control to max with output of player set to maximum.
I composed this with headphones on while stimming. You can listen while stimming if you get a splitter cable, like the one sold on Amazon here:
3.5mm Stereo audio Y-Splitter Cable
Enjoy your STIM! –Eric
COVID-19 Update
ErosTek is open and operating during the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
We are shipping orders via USPS, UPS and DHL, have implemented CDC recommended workplace protocols and are practicing social distancing in accordance with Marin County Health Department “Shelter in Place” order.
Let us do our part to #FlattenTheCurve to slow the spread.
Stay safe and thank you for your support.
–Eric Forbes
ErosLink and Windows 10
We’ve recently verified that ErosLink for the ET312B now installs and works perfectly on all modern versions of Microsoft Windows up to and including Windows 10.
ErosLink + Windows 10? It works!
This means you can add user routines, interact with the current routine and create and save your own ErosLink routines with your ET312B.
No need to upgrade ErosLink
And there is no need to upgrade your version of ErosLink. The current version 1.1a installs easily straight from the CD.
We recommend using one of our USB to Serial Adapters to connect your ET312B to the computer and follow the link to make sure you have the latest FTDI USB drivers installed for Windows.