ErosLink for ET312 Updater 1.1a

Click on the file below to download the ErosLink 1.1A Updater. Running the Updater will upgrade your ErosLink 1.0 or 1.1 installation to the latest availble.

Please note the following:

The new user submitted routines are installed in the Designer directory. Only the original factory routines are contained in the Routines directory. To access the new routines from within ErosLink, open the Designer folder.

If you used the default directory when you originally installed ErosLink, you only need run the Updater and click through the prompts. If you have ErosLink installed in a different directory, you must specify that directory when running the Updater.
When the upgrade is correctly installed, the Help window should display ErosLink 1.1A in the upper left corner.

The Updater includes updated help documentation (UserGuide.htm).
If you have any problems with this upgrade, please contact SexTek for support.

NOTE: If you have any problems, uninstall ErosLink and start over with your ErosLink CD and then install the updater to the same folder.

Download ErosLink 1.1A Updater (1632k)

5 responses to ErosLink for ET312 Updater 1.1a

  1. Art

    Hello! I have an Intel based Mac and I cannot open my Eroslink software on it!!! I tried this update but it is a .exe file which is not supported by Mac. I need an update for Eroslink as my CD is pre-Intel Macs. Any suggestions?

    • erostek

      Hello Art – It sounds like you have a copy of ErosLink ET312 for Windows, not Mac OS X. We have two version of ErosLink. You can get an OS X Upgrade version that comes with the install CD and required USB to Serial adapter that we’ve tested and verified under OS 10.4 – 10.6. You’ll see the upgrade option for OS X at the bottom of the page linked above. Hope this helps! =Eric

      • Art

        Thank you guys… I found the file I needed right after I wrote the last post!!! 🙂

      • Tobias

        hi there ! will eroslink for mac work with lion ? i have version 1.1a and cannot open it.

        • erostek

          Hello Tobias – ErosLink OS X is written in Java and would normally launch just fine on the latest version of OS X (Lion) except that it’s seen as a PowerPC application even after applying the Universal Binary (UB) updater from our website. I have some work to do to repackage the application using the latest version of Xcode. This will take some time.

          I will let everyone know when ErosLink OS X is ready for Lion via the blog. At the moment, it’s not compatible.

          Thanks for your patience. –Eric

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